To Harass German garrisons; disrupt enemy communications; gather and
transmit intelligence; and establish liaison, supply, arm and train
partisan units in the lower Valtellina region adjoining SPOKANE/SEWANEE
area of operations.
Sharing flights with personnel of SPOKANE and SEWANEE on March 4 and
April 4, 1945, to drop zones “Beet” near Livigno and “Pappy”
near Eita, personnel of SANTEE gathered at Fusino, which became their
initial base. They joined the partisans, providing and training them
with American equipment, and reconnoitering the area extending north
to the Swiss border. Skirmishes took place along Val Grosina between
partisans with accompanying OGs and enemy which included fascists, nazis
and French Malicienne. After one, taking place on the night of April
13, thirty enemy were reported killed. On April 18 three hundred French
collaborators and fascists ascending the valley ran into heavy partisan
fire with more than 100 enemy killed or wounded and only two partisans
At the end of April Lt. DeMarco with one OG detail
fought in Grosotto protecting a base here from enemy bands. At the same
time Capt. Giannino and his detail battled in Tirano and effected the
surrender of more than 1200 Germans, fascists and French Malicienne.
On the 29th at San Giacomo 350 surrendered to the OGs and partisans.
The next day the city of Sondrio fell. The entire Valtellina was liberated
and the German and fascist/Italian forces were captured or surrendered
along with large quantities of arms, ammunition and supplies and placed
under the control of partisan units or used by OGs, partisans, and citizens.
The OGs set up Headquarters in Tirano and secured airdrops of food.
On May 22 the OGs returned to the Siena
Summary made from document written
by Lt. DeMarco.