On February 28, 1944, in accordance with "Ordre d" Operation"
from General Martin, a unit of the French Commandos of approximately
120 officers and men was joined by an OG section of 3 officers and 10
enlisted men to mount a raid on the Island of Pianosa. The objective
of the raid was to capture prisoners; and if conditions were found to
be favorable, to establish an observation post on the island. For a
number of reasons the operation was aborted soon after landing on the
island. (See Balkis I summary). Balkis II was a second attempt to mount
that raid but with no consideration to establish an observation post.
Withdrawal from the island was to be made no later than 0700 hours following
After the Balkis I shortfall OG and Commando leaders held a number of
conferences to deal with the problems which were deemed responsible
for the need to abort that mission. With new plans for a second attempt
French Commandant Bouvet and the commander of his naval unit made a
reconnaisance of the landing area two nights before the Balkis II raid
on Pianosa, which was mounted on 17 March 1944.
The French unit of approximately 120 officers
and enlisted men, with an OG section of 3 officers and 10 enlisted men
departed Bastia at 1735 hours aboard two sub-chasers, escorted by four
torpedo boats. Landfall on Pianosa by the lead party was made at 2220
hours with all units ashore by 2335 hours. With command post established
near the landing area where it would remain to provide communications
as well as security for departure from the beachead, the three raid
elements, identified as East, Central and West, moved out toward their
targets. East Patrol, the largest unit, had the mission to attack the
town of Pianosa, destroy the barracks where it was believed the German
troops were housed: to capture prisoners, hopefully the German commanding
officer; and if time permitted, destroy the cable communication between
Pianosa and Elba or the mainland of Italy. Also, time permitting, this
patrol was to reconnoiter and neutralize, if possible, the Sembolello
prison and the Belvedere Semephore station. The smaller patrols, in
supporting roles included the Central Patrol mission to raid the Giudice
penetentiary, and if time permitted, reconnoiter the Podere del Gardon
prison hospital - this to take prisoners for intelligence purposes.
West Patrol was to take control of Punta Pulpito and Toretta San Marco
and take any prisoners resulting in this raid.
Roads were avoided in making way toward their targets; and the dense
waist high growth of small trees and shrubs slowed their progress. At
approximately 0210 hours the Central Patrol came to a farm building
where they found an Italian civilian who informed that all Germans were
bivouaced in the village. The patrol then proceeded to their target,
the penetentiary, reaching it about 0300 hours. Finding no resistance,
they took twelve prison guards as prisoners and returned to the sub-chaser
to re-embark with the prisoners. Meanwhile, the East Patrol shattered
the targetted barracks killing several Germans, but discovered the majority
of the Germans were barricaded in the walled inner-town bordering the
port. It was then judged that, because of the time and the understanding
that the Germans were armed with a mortar, a cannon and several light
machine guns, it would be impossible to clean them out of their position
within the time limit fixed for the mission's departure. After notifying
Bastia of the situation and announcing their plans to withdraw, East
Patrol with the twenty four Italian guards as prisoners withdrew to
the beachhead. Meanwhile, West Patrol having searched their targets
and finding them to be vacant, had already returned to the beachhead.
The Sub-chasers with all troops and their
prisoners aboard departed the landing area at the fixed hour of 0700
as allied planes, in accordance with plan, laid down defensive fire
on the beachhead.
Summary written from EOM reports in National
Archives RG2226