Mission: Summary: 26 July. Section dropped at 0115 hours at DZ "Tandem" near Devesset. Ground soft and grassy. Strong Maquis reception. Section was taken 30K to Vanosc where it became acquainted with the Maquis with whom it worked till the end of the operation. 2 August. Nine crew of shot-up Liberator parachuted safely; one streamered down and was killed instantly. 3 August. Section and Maquis captured German prisoner train; 2 Germans were killed, 10 surrendered, 65 Frenchmen were liberated and 2 locomotives were disabled. 9-10 August. In this night Lt. Barner with 5 men and several Maquis blew up a double-track railroad bridge 8K SW of St. Etienne, blocking a main highway. 10 August. At Vanosc shrapnel from fragmentation anti-personnel bombs dropped from German JU-88 wounded 5 OGs and 25 Maquis. After initial care at French infirmary at Vanosc most were evacuated to the hospital at St. Agreve 35K away for further treatment. Sgt. Barnabe did not survive surgery for an abdominal wound. 14 August. Section blew 3 bridges between Annonay and Rhone River. 29 August. T/5 Bisson was killed and Lt. Boudreau severely wounded in left thigh by strafing. 3 September. Section arrived at Lyon. The Germans had left the preceding day. Comment: The "Betsy" report describes how well organized the Resistance was in Secteur Annonay which had Military and Civilian divisions.. The military organized Frenchmen (FFI) whose task it was to fight the Germans whenever and wherever it was possible. The civilian personnel procured and rationed food and other materials, and provided transportation. After 31 July there was a steady stream of Frenchmen coming to Vanosc to join either the Military or Civilian forces.
compiled by John Hamblet.
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